About the conference

cover-New-ParadigmsThe conference NEW PARADIGMS IN ENGLISH STUDIES: LANGUAGE, LINGUISTICS, LITERATURE AND CULTURE aims to bring together young and established scholars working in the field of higher education, giving them a venue for reexamining the focus, content, boundaries and interconnections between disciplines within the broad area of English Studies. Globalization, European integration, mobility, migration and superdiversity, coupled with fast-paced developments in communication technology, social networks, and new media, have led to the unprecedented transformation of the English language and the academic disciplines related to it. Old paradigms have been shattered and new innovative approaches have emerged, embracing the plurality of English and the polycentricity of its norms. While looking forward to what’s new, the conference also invites contributions on the history of English Studies, as it is in the dialogue between old traditions and new paradigms that academic vigor flourishes best.

Conference language: English.

Conference venue: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Conference dates: 25 – 27 November 2016

A special section for young researchers (MA, PhD students) is envisaged.

The event has been included in the Sociolinguistics Events Calendar. Check it out for other interesting sociolinguistic events throughout the year!