Катедра “Англицистика и американистика” има удоволствието да ви покани на две събития, част от програмата на гостуването на ирландския медиевист и поет проф. Бърнард О’Донахю през тази седмица:
Вторник, 20 октомври 2015 г.,10.00. “The Appeal of Chaucer.” Лекция в 243 ауд.
Четвъртък, 22 октомври 2015 г ., 16.30. Поетично четене. В Британската библиотека.
“The Irish poet and academic Bernard O’Donoghue will be visiting Bulgaria between the 19th. and 23rd of October. Bernard O’Donoghue is a native of Cullen, Co. Cork. He spent all his academic career at Wadham College, Oxford where he taught in the history of the English language and on Medieval English. He was a friend of the late Irish poet and Nobel laureate, Séamus Heaney and he has also acted as Chair of the Yeats Summer school in Co. Sligo.
As a poet he has appealed to audiences at home in Ireland and in the UK, where he has resided all of his adult life. Winner of the Whitbread prize for his second collection, he has penned The Weakness; Gunpowder; Here Nor There; Poaching Rights; Outliving; as well as contributing to numerous editions of The Anthology of Oxford Poetry. Recent collections include Selected Poems and Farmer’s Cross. A Seamus Heaney scholar, he also wrote Seamus Heaney and The Language of Poetry.”
Благодарности на Посолството на Ирландия за предоставената възможност.