National Varieties of English

Asst. Prof. Tsvetanka Chernogorova
Seminars: 30 hours
ECTS credits: 2

varietiesThis is a multimedia course which gives a detailed overview of the varieties of English spoken in Canada, Newfoundland, Australia, New Zealand, India, Singapore, and some African countries. The course provides concise and comprehensive information on the phonological, lexical, morphological, and syntactic characteristics of each variety discussed as well as information on both the historical and cultural background and the current sociolinguistic situation of the relevant variety or set of varieties spoken at this location. The students will be acquainted with the most striking properties of the varieties of English spoken in the respective world regions as well as with the most noteworthy findings and tendencies on phonological and morphosyntactic variation in English from a global perspective. Important language features are highlighted with interactive maps and sound samples. Exercises and study questions give the students the opportunity to apply and test the knowledge they have acquired and together with the interactive maps and sound samples offer material and data for further research.
The final grade is based on continuous assessment which includes: (i) participation in class discussions– 25%; (ii) a mid-term test – 25% and (iii) a portfolio and an oral presentation– 50%.